Eldar Guardian Squad

Switching projects again (briefly), I (re)painted the first half of this squad last year, so over the last week I finished the other five figures to round out the squad.GW Eldar Guardians for my Craftworld Ulthwe army, AKA the only playable army I have for...

Review: Scribor SF Knight

I'm starting to enjoy this "don't just review GW" plan. Having looked at Mantic and Kromlech in the recent past, I'll be looking at Scibor today.I will admit, up until recently I haven't been a big fan. I thought the models looks too chunky, and the details were a bit...

Tau Empire Double Riptide … in a 1500 pts List! Madness?

Can a 1500 pts. Tau Empire army list bring two XV104 Riptides? I’ve been asking myself this question ever since I did my write-up on the new Tau Riptide. It is an awesome miniature with lots of options, asking you to choose between a the more aggressive Heavy...

Sneak Peek of Fulgrim

One of the biggest, most talked-about releases for Warhammer 40K last year was Forge World’s first Horus Heresy book. One feature that got a lot of attention was the inclusion of game-stats for Space Marine Primarchs. Of course, there was also the fantastic...

Radagast the Brown on his Rabbit-Sleigh

It’s gotten really, really quite on the Hobbit Strategy Battle game. Despite this, Games Workshop now released a new miniature for the game, featuring one of the most .. um .. controversial additions to last year’s the Hobbit movie over the original story...