Warhammer High Elves Teaser Video Up

The obligatory YouTube teaser for Games Workshop’s next release – High Elves for Warhammer Fantasy – has arrived. I approve of the use of actual miniatures for these teasers, not only shaky-cam shots of concept art, even if these aren’t the...

5 of my Favourite Miniatures from Crystal Brush 2013

This weekend is the big weekend of wargaming conventions. In London, Salute 2013 saw Mantic Games pull the veil of their Warpath Deadzone offerings, which will hit Kickstarter on Friday. In Chicago, Adepticon is in full swing, and with it CoolMiniOrNot’s Crystal...

Plastic Eldar Farseer Leaked!

Holy! What a weekend. First the Warhammer Fantasy High Elves break, now their pointy-eared Sci-Fi cousins appear with a picture leaked via the ever reliable Faeit212! Take a look at the blister for the evidently imminent Plastic Eldar Farseer for Warhammer 40K! #1...

Forgeworld’s Necron Friday

It’s Friday and Forge World’s releasing new stuff like clockwork. There’s little surprise this week. After the announcement of Imperial Armour 12 – The Fall of Orpheus and the many previews on Forge World Open Day last week, they now made...

Sizing Up the XV104 Riptide

I’ve written a few posts on the new Tau Codex for Warhammer 40K. I have not yet addressed the elephant in the room: the new XV104 Riptide Battlesuit. The Riptide is the biggest, most impressive miniature for the new range. It’s the answer to all those...