All Good Ideas Start with a Prototype

This is a guest post by Chris Michaels of, currently also on Kickstarter. Prototyping is one of the most exciting parts of doing something completely new in the world of modeling. It’s almost God-like, because you’re creating something that has never...

3 Changes I Like In The New Tau Empire Codex

Finally, I had the time to page through the new Tau Empires Codex a bit. Slow delivery and all means I’ll probably have to wait until next week-end to give the Codex a quality reading. Still, in my initial page-flipping, there are a few things that struck me as...
Warmonger War Chief

Warmonger War Chief

After a very very very  too long break a new gaming model is finished. This huge fella is a model for Hordes. Its a Solo Character of the Legion of Everblight.

5 Pictures from Forge World Open Day 2013

Forge World Open Day 2013 is up and running. The product Forge World placed front and centre has clearly been their latest Necron-themed Imperial Armour Campaign Book for Warhammer 40K. That is not all to gawk at on the Forge World Open Day 2013, however. Here are 5...