A New Blood Bowl For 2013?

Warseer, Dakkadakka and other places are flush with rumours of a new Blood Bowl game from Games Workshop for 2013. It’s rumours, a given. Worse, it’s rumours I’ve heard before in 2011, when Games Workshop ended up doing DreadFleet. Still,...

Pictures Of The New Tau Empire Special Characters!

As if on cue with the latest Games Workshop teaser video, more – and better – pictures for the upcoming Tau Empire release have appeared over on Freak Factory. The new Tau Special Characters are no longer a speculation! The pics are here! Have a look! #1...

Games Workshop’s Tau Empire Teaser Trailer

Games Workshop YouTube teasers for new releases tend to be very minimalist affairs. That said, I think their recent outing isn’t all bad. The Tau Teaser was posted on Games Workshop’s blog today. I quite like it. Unlike previous teasers, it actual seems to...

Mantic Games – Warpath Deadzone Kickstarter soon!

Mantic Games is clearly on a roll. Alessio Cavatore’s Loka, which Mantic is publishing, closed yesterday with a whopping USD 104,172.-. Congratulations Mr. Cavatore!!! But Mantic Games is not about to waste any time not being on Kickstarter with something. After...