New Tau Empire Battleforce: What About Troops?

Here is an interesting question to ponder. Along with the new Tau Empire Miniatures, Games Workshop is releasing a new Battleforce. So much so basic. However, most existing Battleforces come with a healthy selection of Troop Choices – usually at least 2 –...

New Tau Empire Miniatures!

These have been stirring up the rumour-mill for a while: Tau Empire is the next release by Games Workshop for Warhammer 40K. The pictures are admittedly still not ideal quality (nature of leaks like this). However, I am greatly impressed with Games Workshop’s...

Kaos Ball: CMON Challenges Mantic’s DreadBall?

CoolMiniOrNot just announced the miniatures sports game of Kaos Ball through their TTGN-blog. Kaos Ball is/will be a miniatures sports game designed by Eric Lang. #1 – The CMON Press Announcement Read the full press-release here! Kaos Ball is a new kind of...

A Short Daemonette History

Chaos Daemons is obviously one of those armies that goes back long, long ways in Warhammer and Warhammer 40K. From the entire range, one of the most interesting (and most susceptible to change) are the Daemonettes. Where, say, the Rogue Trader-era Bloodletters looked...

Chaos Daemons RAW – Psyker Prince of Khorne

Spelling mistakes and copy-&-paste errors can make for cute RAW (rules as written) rulings in Warhammer 40K. Here’s one to not try at your friendly neighborhood game store: the Khorne Psyker Daemon Prince! #1 – Chaos Daemons Daemon Prince RAW Here is...