Loka Contest Is Now Up On BoardGameGeek

A couple of days ago, I had the privilege to quiz Alessio Cavatore about his new project Loka: The World of Fantasy Chess. The game is still on Kickstarter (and well-funding at that, with a few stretch-goals in as well). Now,  you can also try to enter a contest to...

Warhammer 40K Limited Edition Fatigue?

An interesting Newsletter arrived today from Games Workshop. It appears there are still quite a few Limited Edition Warhammer Army Books and Warhammer 40K Codices left for Chaos Daemons. This, by itself, seems surprising after the Limited Edition Chaos Space Marines...

4 Demon-Winning Daemons

Earlier this week I plucked a Golden Demon-winning Masque of Slaanesh of this unofficial Golden Daemon website to illustrate my post on the Masque. Couldn’t help but wander a bit more around the history of Golden Demon competitions to see what the best painters...

Interview – Alessio Cavatore Talks About Loka

This is an interview with renowned game-designer Alessio Cavatore. Alessio and I talked on Skype about his latest game, Loka: The World of Fantasy Chess, which is currently looking for the support of enthusiastic gamers and miniature painters on Kickstarter. Talking...

3 Daemon-Newb Questions on the Masque of Slaanesh

So I am trying to get through the new Daemon Codex. One thing is sure, this is a complex book. All those different loci, rewards, powers, etc.. , which are largely random (though often with a possibility to “default” to a standard power, similar to all 6th...