Incomming scenery proyect! (lo que se viene de escenografía)

This is what I will have to do for a Point Blank campaign: An airport of the ww2. Este es el nuevo proyecto en el que estoy metido, un aeropuerto para una partida de point blank. Maestro yoda me pasó las siguientes imágenes como ejemplo: Master Yoda sent me this...


Murderer. Heretic. Outcast. Cultist. Beserkr. I came to the conclusion, after finishing my last set of cultists, that there was something missing. They were too clean, too neat, and not nearly chaotic enough. As figures, they were nice, and the painting was fine,...

Step-by-Step: 28mm M4A4 Canadian Sherman

I was in Normandy last spring and learned a lot about the Canadian contribution to the Allies D-Day effort. Since that time, I've been collecting models for a Canadian Normandy game, to be put on some time in the future.I've finally gotten around to assembling and...


These figures are the first four members of my chaos cult for Inquisitor/Inquisimunda.They're all made from the WFB Empire Flagellants box, with a smattering of 40k parts to bring them into the 41st millenium, and a few conversions.A grubby colour scheme of brick red,...