beginning of a Freebooters Fate Crew

beginning of a Freebooters Fate Crew

After several month of waiting on the desktop. Half painted. I finished the first models for a Freebooter Fate crew. The rim of the bases will be done when all models are finished. Goblin Pirate starter crew.Here we have:Goblin Velero Goblin Mariner Bajo
post workshop project

post workshop project

After the workshop I am so excited to do another miniature on a socket that I have to start one. The miniature was a gift from an ebay buy. Its not the nicest but thats not important. Important is to work on painting skills. ;) I don't know what will come out at the...
Freebooters Fate on Indiegogo

Freebooters Fate on Indiegogo

Freebooter has started an Indiegogo campaign for a couple of limited Legendary models. Click the picture for more details. Its worth it. ;)

In the Box – Malifaux Ten Thunder Misaki

Very nice models. Here you can see the sprue with all the parts. When you built some of the models they look fantastic. Some critics. You get one sprue with all parts for the 6 models. Oh man! What a mess! Not like on the Archers sprue, here there are no numbers...

Khador Man-hunter 2

This is my second Man-hunter. I like this Model. The face is so characterful. In my games a man-hunter never did any damage. He was always killed before by the enemy. This shows how dangerous he is, if the opponent wants to get him as fast as he can. :)