pimp your old miniatures

Today I am gonna show you that a painted model is never finished and you can still work on it. This Winter Guard Rocketeer was painted by my long ago.  Yuk!! I apologize to hurt your eyes. :) My painting skills slightly improved over the years in the hobby. So I...

Something Stirs.

+++BEGINNING TRANSMISSION+++Recipient ID  [ REDACTED ]Subject  [ REDACTED ]Classification  [ Level 6 ]+MESSAGE BEGINS+The web tightens. All agents are now in place. Send in the boy. Report to me when this task has been completed. Cantor...

Gamesday 2011 Skaven Warlord

This was Games Workshops Games Day 2011 Miniature. I bought it through ebay. Very expensive. I am not a fan of limited edition miniatures or convention special miniatures.Here we go the finished Skaven Warlord. This is a nice model. Used the Airbrush to achieve a OSL....

Vampire Counts – Vlad von Carstein

I had a lot of models to build a Vampire army. Unit, character models but no GENERAL. So i grab a metal Vlad form ebay and painted him. Now Vlad von Carstein is hungry to lead into battle. The highlight of this paint job is the cloak.