Malifaux Ortega Family finished

Santiago - Papa Loco - Perdita - Nino - Francisco   Finished and based. Ready for the first Malifaux game. This are 25 Soul points.

Scythes of the Emperor Sternguard

I'm restarting my Scythes of the Emperor army. These models are the first two men of a Sternguard squad, which is admittedly an odd place to start. However, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make sternguard from the awesome Dark Angel veterans kit.The robed bodies...

Elven Statue

In an effort to get myself back into the swing of things after a long break (three months? really?) I decided to finish up this small terrain piece that I started a while back.The main ingredients in this model are a small wooden cube, a plastic Wood Elf from GW's...

Haldir’s Elf

Still trying to improve my painting, although I wouldn't rate this as one of my better models. The paint is much too thick in places, and much of it is sloppily done. With this figure I was working on my metallics - specifically gold, and my reds. As far as colours go...