Vikings Phase Two: The Hirdmen FINISHED

Hi everyone,Another unit done!, and therefore half this project is in effect done!  This means I now only have the Shield Maidens to work on.Like the previous post, I also deliberately painted the two below together, for the same reason I painted the first...

Vikings Phase Two: The Hirdmen pt.2

Hi everyone,Another quick post this week. So, I have finished the first two minis in this unit of Hirdmen.  I also added the shield transfers and painted the ground work.I did these two together because they are similarly dressed.  I have a healthy habit of...

Vikings Phase Two: The Hirdmen pt.1

Hi everyone,So I am back with the second phase of my Viking project.  This phase includes only two units, a unit of 4 Hirdmen, which are elite Hearthguard (as the title suggest) and a unit of Shield Maidens which will be a unit of 8 female warriors.Today, I will...

Genestealer Cult Kill Team

First game of Shadow War Armageddon is coming up Tuesday, so I needed to get my Kill Team done this weekend. Love the Genestealer Cult Hybrids, so am continuing to build from that box, as well as the Deathwatch boxed set.As previously shown, the figures were assembled...

Shadow War Armageddon First Terrain Piece Done

 OK, who else has noticed that too many games are coming out? Dropzone, Dropfleet, Blood Bowl, Prospero, Hammerhal, never mind the backlog of Age of Sigmar stuff clogging up my table. Well, last weekend, Shadow War Armageddon dropped. It's the re-release of...