Elven Beast Masters: The Bear Clan – Part 1

Hi everyone,This is an exciting new project for me.  Not only is this a completely new unit I am starting form scratch, but it is one I have wanted to do for years.  That is bring back the Elven Beast Masters! I am going to start with the Bear Clan for two...

Retro Monday #2: a bunker fit for your 40K squad

Carrying on with what I hope will be a popular retrotastic addition to the blog, here is the second of our Retro Monday features: a bunker fit for your 40K squad. Last week we featured the teeny version of this, which houses just a Heavy Weapons team (or something...

Vikings Phase One: The Berserkers FINISHED

Hi everyone,I have finally finished painting up the berserkers.  I apologize for taking so long, but life and work are taking up a lot  of hobby time.  I don't see this changing any time soon.So the last two berserkers were the ones wearing pants, which...


From the same Tamiya 1/35 Mesozoic Creatures pack, two Parasaurolophi. Again, one as the box suggests, and t'other sliced up and rearranged. Note that I have avoided the use of flock and static grass. Grass didn't exist way back when.* Arguably, if one's hunting dinos...

The Bagshot Gutsplitters: My Skaven Blood Bowl Team

Blood Bowl! With the new edition just out, I felt it was time to get into this classic game. I picked up the Skaven team box...and a week later, here's what's skittering off the painting table.Nice models, easy to assemble, and pretty quick to paint up. A really nice...