Vikings Phase One: The Hearthguard

Hi everyone,Today I bring you my first unit of Hearthguard or Hirdmen for my Viking force for Saga by Studio Tomahawk. As you can see they are a smaller unit than the Warriors, numbering four models instead of eight. There is the option in the rules of combining two...

Conan Monolith Kickstarter Arived!!!

Hi everyone,I have interrupted my Viking project posts to show off many newly arrived Conan Kickstarter.I have been waiting for this for around a year and a half I think.  Overall I think it was worth the wait. I bought into the Barbarian Pledge, which at 90...

A Dozen Assorted RPG Figures

Our group's RPG game has moved to the desert, so it was time to step up and paint some figures on sand bases.These are Minions of Set and Lions of Mitra from Otherworld Miniatures. They've just recently been released in their "Judge's Guild" line, and are made...

Vikings Phase One – 1st Warrior Unit pt2

Hi everyone,I have finally finished my first unit of Viking warriors for Saga!  Painting them is fun, but they take up way more time than say a Space Marine or Algoryn. This is because they are wearing a variety of clothes, and variation is key in order to make...

Vikings Phase One – 1st Warrior Unit pt1

Hi everyone,I have started work on my first unit of viking warriors for Saga.  A standard unit of warriors consists of eight models which you can distribute into units of 4 to 12 models.Personally I will leave them at eight.  I find this number to be more...