Kings of War:- Elf Spears Part 3

Hi everyone,If you have read last week's post, I am currently working on a horde unit of Elf Spears.  I am updating the unit for Kings of War on multibases.I finished converting the spear elves and I now have finished the painting.  Like the other figures I...

Ogroid Thaumaturge and Gaunt Summoner

Finally, the last two adversary models from Silver Tower...done. I was traveling for a week and then got sick as a dog for another week. These guys should have come off the table some time ago...but better done late than never.The models are fairly large, and required...

Kings of War:- Elf Spears Part 2

Hi everyone,So today I will continue talking about the work I have started with my first horde unit of Elf spears!So the first thing I did was paint up the champion holding the double handed sword.  I know I should have started with the cavalry leader, but I...

28mm Imperial Russian Officers

Senior officers of the 3rd Guards Brigade - (l. - r.) Col. Hartmann, Maj. Gen. Maximov, and Col. Voronov. Things are going very ACW-heavy at the moment, despite the fact we actually have a very enjoyable Supercampaign in progress.  This pits Ollie and KB against the...

Kings of War:- Elf Spears Part 1

Hi everyone,Today I start to convert my last unit to multibase for my Kings of War Sylvan Army.  Like the other units I have converted to multibases, these spearmen have been painted up several years ago.Altogether I had 30 figures painted up, but since a...