Baleful Realmgates

GW has a pile of new terrain pieces out for Age of Sigmar, and these Baleful Realmgate models caught my eye. A short build and painting project to make up for the pitiful gate model I've been using in the D&D game.Hmmm, the paint job on the box art is much more...

Warhammer Fantasy for Frostgrave

I'm having a get-together her at the end of August with some old friends from uni. One's promised to bring Frostgrave with him, and introduce us to it. So I've dug out some old Warhammer Fantasy models to whip into shape. There seem to be some wizards, High Elves (so...

Kings Of War: Converting my Dryads Part 5 – Finished

Hi everyone,So I have finally finished my Dryad/Hunters of the Wild unit.  Now all I needed to do was base it.At this point I was still not happy with it.  The unit still seemed a bit empty, so I decided to add some forest sprites to it.The Wood Elf plastic...

Painting Skeletons: Step-by-Step

When it comes to assembly line painting lots of figures for a table-top army, it doesn't get much easier than skeletons. Here's a quick way to get lots of skellies on the table.First, the main set of painting operations are laid out here for you. White base coat, a...