Saga Vikings – The Warlords

Hi everyone,Today I start a new journey into Saga and the Dark Ages.  So it is only appropriate to kick off this new project with a dedicated blog series.To launch off these posts I am starting with the Vikings - specifically the Warlords.  Now my Viking...

S102. Case File: Johnny Alpha

Welcome Dreddheads to another JDMG update. Today we look at Johnny Alpha, the top Bounty Hunter of the Strontium Dogs.++ Sector House 102 ++++ Emergency status: Time portal anomaly ++++ Subject: Johnny Alpha ++"A Time Portal has opened in the Food Court of Dan...

Beginning Saga

Hi everyone,For Xmas I decided to buy myself a gift.  I am usually not so self-absorbed to do such a thing, but this year I had to work through the whole festive season and I thought I deserved it.I chose Saga from a company called Studio Tomahawk after a friend...

The Clan of the White Arm

Hi everyone,I have finally finished the Clan of the White Arm - my Algoryn force for Beyond the Gates of Antares.Overall, and not considering the quality of the casts, I am quite happy ith ho they tuned out.  I think they make a pesentable force for tabletop...

A Busy Hobby Table…

...but not much getting finished.I think most of us run into this phenomenon: Lots of projects started, but not much coming off the table. I'm in the middle of that right now. Here's the current state of affairs...In the last couple of weeks, I've started a lot of new...