A Few More Lizardmen

I needed a few filler pieces for my KoW Lizardman regiments, so yesterday I knocked out 5 quick soldiers. Can almost do these guys with eyes closed now.'Til next time.

Basing My Algoryns

Hi everyone,Well, as my Algoryn project nears completion, I thought I might write up a post on how I based them.I waited until all my army as painted before I started basing them.  I did this intentionally because I wanted a homogeneous look to them.I started by...

Lizardman Cavalry

Here's another unit of GW Lizardmen that will see service in Kings of WarI started painting the mounts well over a year ago (maybe two), but never got around to finishing them, or painting the riders.A situation now rectified.Hmmm, what next?'Til next time.

YouTube: Expanding into videos.

John here and this post is all about The Fallen Princes expanding into YouTube. Some people hate it, some people like it, personally I like YouTube. Just like blogging, it is a place that I am free to express myself and my hobbies and watch others do the same. I have...

Troglodon…Step by Step

More Lizardman Madness! Next up is this new Troglodon model, which comes in the Warhammer Carnosaur kit box. I'll be using it in Kings of War as a Lekelidon.The kit comes in a number of pieces. It's well cast in typical GW grey plastic, and very well sculpted....