Second Algoryn AI Squad Ready

Hi everyone, So continuing from last week, I am presenting my last unit of Algoryn AI's as a small tutorial for a local friend who asked me how I painted them up.  All very simple and straight forward. After cleaning off the enamel wash with a q-tip from the...

The Lizardmen Get Resurrected

I haven't done anything with my Warhammer Lizardmen army for years. However, with the release of the Lizard army for Kings of War 2nd Ed, it's time to start thinking about them again.I have a couple of KoW games set up over the next few weeks, so I need some new units...

The Last Two Algoryn Squads

Hi everyone,So I am on my last two units for my Algoryn Combat Force. The first are the Targeter Probes, and the second are the stalwart AI squad.  I am still working on these.So I will begin with the targeter probes.  I have to be honest and say these are...

Algoryn Plasma Cannon Support Ready

Hi everyone,I have finally finished my last support choice - the mighty Plasma Cannon! With this unit ready I am only two units away from completing my Algoryn project.  I am also happy to say that this blister pack came with the correct drone type!This is...

S102. Character Fact File: The Angel Gang

++ Sector House 102 Street Judge Briefing ++++ Subject: The Angel Gang ++" Judges it has come to our attention via our Wally Squad Division. That the Angel Gang are active within our sector! If sighted call in back up. No heroics, your not Dredd. Now get on...