Umber Hulk!

Time for some word association. When I pair up "1970s" and "D&D Monster," some classics immediately spring to my mind. Gelatinous Cube...Carrion Crawler...and Umber Hulk.Well, it was a trip down memory lane when I busted open another of Gale Force 9's limited run...

Warlord Games’ New Offer

Hi everyone,Lately, I have been working exclusively on my Algoryn AI force for Beyond the Gates of Antares (BTGOA), and one of the things that annoys me is the way the miniatures are sold.First, they packaged the miniatures in squads of five, but when they released...

Algoryn Infiltrators ready for Battle!

Hi everyoneThis month is unexpectedly turning into one dedicated to Beyond the Gates of Antares.  Well, to keep up the trend, today I am posting my finished unit of Algoryn AI Infiltrators - or as I call them 'the deadly ladies of the Clan of the White Arm'.As...

Algoryn Support Units Painted Up

Hi everyone, I have finished my Algoryn Support units.  They include the X-Launcher and the Mag Light Support with two troopers each. These are the miniatures I had so much trouble with due to a stupid mistake from my part.  I gave them a wash of Engine Oil...

Algoryn AI Assault Squad Finished

Hi everyone,I have finally finished the Algoryn AI Assault Squad, except for he bases which I will do all in one go when all the force is painted up.I had a small problem with this unit as I tried giving it a black oil wash which took several days to dry in this cold...