Happy 2016: Calth Ultramarines Done

Happy New Year, everyone. I've celebrated the arrival of 2016 by completing the last four figures required to finish the Calth boxed set Ultramarines force.Again, these figures take an extraordinarily long time to paint. But happily, they're now done.And here is the...

An Explosive New Year with Algoryn Support!

Hi everyone, I am back before the new year to wish you all - well - a Happy New Year!  I wont manage to write another post before then due to work, so now is my only chance. On the last post I was working on my Algoryn AI Assault troops, but I had to stop for a...

A Merry Algoryn Xmas

Hi everyone,First of all a merry Xmas to one and all.  If you don't celebrate - then all the best just the same.  I am writing this in my work break, so it will be short.I have just finished my Algoryn Command Unit this morning before I came to work....

Dragon Turtle

Another unique monster miniature from Reaper. This one is the "Tortoise Dragon," which in reality is just Reaper's way of saying Dragon Turtle...a high-level D&D aquatic staple.The challenge for this figure was trying to find a base that accommodated its sprawling...

RPG Barbarian Reaper Bones

A new Barbarian for RPGs is born. This is one of the Reaper Bones 1st releases.Was a lot of fun to paint this guy.