Bolt Action: Panzer II

This little guy from Warlord was a lovely kit to assemble and paint. There was some slight flash to clean up, and the assembly diagram was for an earlier version of the model, but it's got a minimal number of parts. I got the decals from a 1/48 Pz IV I built and...

Seeing Red, er, 40K Mechanicus buildings

As previously mentioned, I've been doing quite a few Mechanicus buildings for a mate at the club. Expect more in the future! Oh, some other buildings towards the end will have their own shot soon.

40K Imperial Skyshield Landing Platform

Another painting job for a friend at the club. This is an oddball of a kit in some ways. If you don't base it, then the legs are a bit too flimsy. If you do base it, you can't access the underside. Maybe basing it but leaving the legs unglued is the option. However,...

Ten Hellblasters

I'm re-working my Dark Angels list for the LVO tourney coming next February. Should be a little more competitive. We'll see, as I start playing the list this Fall.First off the table is a squad of 10 Hellblasters.Now that I've got this paint scheme down, the units are...

Weathering a Servohauler

This sweet little model is one of the ski-fi tractors in the Galvanic Servohauler boxed set from Games Workshop. I really liked this guy, so I thought I'd spend some extra time on it and turn it into another sic-fi vehicle weathering tutorial.Assembly is first, and...