Mummys (Fast Painting)

El último domingo estuvo Berto y anduve pintando unas momias que había por ahí. Dos manos de un blanco cremita, un lavado de una mezcla de marron y rojo, un pincel seco crema, rojo en los ojos, marrón en las maderas de las armas, negro como base de los metales y...

30K Terminators

The Betrayal At Calth project continues. This time around, I've finished off the five Terminators and Leader figure for the Ultramarines force.Holy crap...these guys took a lot of effort...and more than the end result would suggest. All the figures are OK, except that...

1st Algoryn AI Squad – Clan of the White Arm

Hi everyone,So, with the EU Summit over, CHOGM concluded and the Queen gone, I finally have a small slot to breath before Xmas puts work back into 5th gear.Due to the high demands of work, all my projects fell into a sort of limbo, and I don't want to start them just...

First Batch of 30K Space Marines

Well, after last week's test figure, it was time to dive into the Calth 30K project. These models are time-intensive. I'm spending over 2 hours per figure, when you factor in parts cleaning, assembly, and the many stages of painting. Is it worth it? Well, after having...

Warhammer 30K Test Figure: Tactical Ultramarine

If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you'll be aware that I'm not a GW fanboy. Sure, I have a Lizardman army for Warhammer Fantasy, and I sure enjoy some of the "specialist games" from those British Vampires at GW...and yes, I love Middle-earth, so I...