Four Elemental Myrmidons

I'm impressed with the new Gale Force 9 line of D&D figures. I painted the Hill Giant a few months back, so I thought I'd try some of their Elemental Myrmidons.These four limited run figures each come cast in a plastic resin. The material holds great detail with...

Eldar Falcon Grav Tank

Still moving forward with my Eldar army restoration, the next model is the first of my three Falcon grav tanks. I've found that alternating between the Eldar and one of my other projects has kept me from burning out painting black.Like all my other Eldar the main...

Chaos Samurai Army & Ashigaru (Chaos Marauders)

Note: the first part of this post is a bit of an essay explaining the concept behind this army. If you're only here for the pictures, just scroll down until you reach part 2.Part 1: The ArmyFor years now, I've been toying with the idea of starting a Warhammer Fantasy...

Ruined Tower: A Large Terrain Project Step-by-Step

For the last two weeks I've been working on a large terrain project: this ruined tower, which is part of a Bones release from Reaper.It's from a boxed set called Dragons Don't Share. The main feature of the box is a really big (and nice) dragon figure. But what caught...

Just In Time For Halloween

Earlier this year, I ordered up a set of SAGA Revenants. I enjoy SAGA, and the thought of a bit of a fantasy expansion to that Dark Ages game seemed pretty compelling. Well, the figures are by Gripping Beast. Now, I'm not a fan of Gripping Beast sculpts, but I was...