Two Reaper Minis

I've recently painted up two Reaper monster miniatures. The first one...a small metal Dragonette (which we're using as a newly hatched Wyvern in our D&D game), I quite like. Nice simple one-piece mini. Easy to paint. Quick to get on the table.An attractive and...

Eldar War Walkers

Moving onwards with the restoration of my Eldar army, here is a pair of War Walkers.Like most of the rest of this army, these models were assembled the best part of a decade ago and it shows.As well as the poor initial assembly, the rather spindly models suffered a...

Witchfate Tor

Hmmm, been a while since I posted. Was pretty busy this summer and got diverted by other interests, Nevermind...back in the saddle. First new model is this large terrain piece from Games Workshop, Witchfate Tor, the Tower of Sorcery.I had built the smaller, ruined...

Boba Fett

This is Boba Fett from Imperial Assault Boardgame.

Dark Ages Clergy & Magicians

With the core of my Anglo Saxon army finished ( pictures here), I can turn my attention to various ancillary figures and terrain to round out my Dark ages collection. These will fall into five main groups:Additional Anglo Saxons - in particular another point each...