Old Witch of Khador & Scrapjack

After the last commission I was so happy of spare time and bought me a new Warmachine figure. It is the Old Witch of Khador and its special Jack.I guess the crows will go off very quickly after some transportations. But they give this extra of lovely detail. :)

Malifaux Commission

After a long silence here some finished Malifaux crews.Seamus crewMcMorning CrewBases does the commission customer by his self...to the next commission...

Eldar Farseer No 2

On the rare occasion that I manage to get a game in, I always include a pair of Farseers as my HQ choices. Since my army hails from Ulthwe, it seems only appropriate - the fact that Farseers are excellent force multipliers doesn't hurt either.Like the rest of my Eldar...

Sedition Wars Male Drone

This is another one of those models I started painting years ago and didn't finish. I've been painting some of them lately as they are a great way to change things up. They're already assembled, primed, sometimes basecoated, and ready to paint. I'd...

Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan

Another old GW metal figure from the stash, this time Eowyn in the armour she wears at the Pelennor Fields. She will be useful as a leader for my Rohirrim, and shares several colours with them.Apart from the cloak, which I painted to match the other Rohirrim, all...