A Giant, Troll and Two Ogres

It seems like a few months since I last painted some fantasy figures. So, this week I decided to knock out four I'd been working on-and-off for some time. Years, in fact.The first figure is another one of the excellent Gale Force 9 limited-run plastic figures for...

[Khador] War Dog

Again something finished.This is a war dog of the Khadorian from Warmachine.

[Khador] Battle Mechanics

I was a little bit lazy. Finally some new finished miniatures. Many others are in the pipeline.This minis are for playing. For Warmachine Khador: Battle Mechanics

SAGA Viking Warlord Harald

Some friends and me are caught by the SAGA virus. He is form Warlord Games and is called Harald.Ready to berzerk!

Ice Troll and Yeti…and a Video

I love painting metal miniatures, but I'm not above a good plastic or resin fig when they come along. Gale Force Nine has been putting out a limited series of D&D monsters and adventurer sets for the past couple of years...I thought I'd give some of the figures a...