Cavern Worm and Dungeon Furniture

I've been away for the past few not so many blog updates this month. Never mind...the hobby table remains busy. Off the table this week is Reaper's Cavern Worm. I saw a painting tutorial for a purple worm on YouTube a while back, and thought I...

Anglo Saxon Huscarls (Hearthguard)

Moving on with the Anglo Saxons, we come to the Hearthguard.Made from the fancier parts of Gripping Beast's Anglo Saxon Thegns box, they all sport Coppergate or Pioneer style helmets and painted shield designs.I used the same colours as the rest of the army, but kept...

Hordes – Druid & Una

Finished a limited Druid Wilder and Una the Falconer.Base will be finalized by owner to fit the rest.Druid Wilder  -  Una the Falconer

Family Day…President’s Day…No, it’s Spider Day

It's the Family Day holiday up here in Alberta, and President's Day down in the States. At my house, it's Spider Day.I took the holiday to knock out a couple more Reaper giant spider models.Not great sculpts, but they'll get the job done.'Til next time.

Wyvern from Reaper

A few weeks back, I was at the LGS with nothing better to do than browse through their wall of Reaper blisters. I picked up a hefty pack with a Wyvern in it and said to myself..."What the hell."I've been on a bit of a roll with large Reaper figs recently, and see no...