Beholder and Wraiths

This week was all about knocking a few role-playing monsters out. First, a Beholder/Eye Tyrant thing.There are lots of different Beholder models from many different manufacturers. All with different sizes, number of eyes and so on. I'm not an Eye Tyrant ecology...

This Week…Spiders

This week I painted up some spider models from Reaper. The main project was this spider demon, which turned out to be a pretty big model. 12 pieces, and a lot of patience to let the glue on the legs dry properly.I wanted to try out a monochrome scheme and then...

Anglo Saxon Thegns (Warriors) – Part I

Onto the third unit in my Anglo Saxon warband, a point of Warriors. The two points of warriors make up the core of my warband, and when I get round to expanding it, they will both be expanded to twelve men each to take advantage of the many special rules that the...

Putrid Blightking – painted in a week…!

Some of you may have seen this guys progress over on Facebook, but now that he is done, I wanted to share him here too! This is one of Nurgle’s Putrid Blightkings painted over the course of a week (Saturday to Saturday with my day job in between) using the same...

Massive Voodoo Daemonette

I know I have mentioned the Massive Voodoo class, but what I haven’t done yet, is show you some decent photos of the miniature that I managed to paint over the weekend. So this is the Massive Voodoo Daemonette, the culmination of 2 1/2 days of crazy...