Three Random Figures

There are about 20 figures on the hobby table right now, all in various states of completion. These three (happily) came off the table today. Done! It's a weird mix of figures. I've got a Warmachine Man O' War test figure (trying out some weathered winter camo)....
Inquisitorial Acolyte

Inquisitorial Acolyte

Unlike the last set of figures, I know exactly what this figure will be used for.  In fact, it's already in use in a Dark Heresy campaign that I'm running.He's representing an Inquisitorial acolyte - an Inquisitor in training. Since Dark Heresy doesn't support...
Uggie Apelino and the Ape Gang

Uggie Apelino and the Ape Gang

"Judge Prince reporting. MAC give me all info on the Apes from the Jungle"++Subject: The Jungle++"The Jungle is located in Sector 51, this area was set aside for a small sub-population of genetically modified primates and was, at the time of its unveiling in 2080, a...
Bogart & Co, Private Investigators

Bogart & Co, Private Investigators

'It's a mystery to me/the game commences/for the usual fee/plus expenses' - Dire Straits, Private InvestigationsThis set of figures was another of those impulse buys that are difficult to justify, but seem to happen all to frequently despite it.In this case, the...
Video Tutorial: Painting Reaper’s Dire Bear

Video Tutorial: Painting Reaper’s Dire Bear

This week I painted up a Dire Bear from Reaper Miniatures. Great sculpt, nice clean casting...and easy to paint up.Here is a quick painting tutorial for this miniature...I picked a couple of Grizzly images from a Google search to use as source material for the...