Vallejo Game Air: Using Vallejo’s New Airbrush Paints

Vallejo Game Air: Using Vallejo’s New Airbrush Paints

Many readers are familiar with, and probably use, Vallejo's awesome line of military airbrush paints: the Model Air line. Can't say enough about Model Air paint. Great pigment density, brilliantly pre-thinned for airbrush use. Fantastic coverage. What could Vallejo...
Woodland Monsters

Woodland Monsters

Many years back, I was involved in the creation of the game Mage Knight, put out by our (at that time) company, WizKids Games. The figures for the game were pre-painted plastics, with masters sculpted in the USA and mass-produced in China.A little-known fact was that...
An Assortment of RPG Figures

An Assortment of RPG Figures

This week I dedicated some time to starting to clear off a bunch of half-painted stuff from the hobby table. I've been tinkering around with a bunch of RPG models recently. 18 are on the table, and finishing off these six brings me down to an even dozen.This is a...


I was waiting for some time for an order from Otherworld Miniatures to come in. I'd sent away for some RPG henchmen, and a few giant rats. Because the order was delayed, the guy who runs Otherworld threw in some extra figures for free. Lucky me!?!Anyway, I'm...