D&D Player Characters

D&D Player Characters

I'm running a couple of 5th edition D&D demos over the next month, so I wanted to get some RPG figures finished up and ready to go. I ordered up some Reaper figures from their various fantasy lines.  Started with seven minis, cleaned up, based and ready for...
Mule Cart and Drovers

Mule Cart and Drovers

This week, I continued my work on an RPG project (intended for use with the new 5th edition D&D). To wit...a mule cart and three drovers.This cart, along with the accompanying figures, all came from Gripping Beast. The cart came with a good selection of...
Two Dead Horses

Two Dead Horses

Hi all. Just a short update this week. I have a pretty big RPG painting project underway, but did manage to finish off two pieces this week...two dead/dying horses. Morbid, yes...but you need this sort of thing handy from time to time. I believe the sculpts are from...

Home Guard Radio – Episode 4 Who’s that girl?

Home Guard Radio Episode 4 – Who’s that girl? http://www.6s2hit-thepodcast.com/ Show Notes:   Please excuse the sound blip 14 minutes in   Intellegince Crop:   Craig – Update on the Beards and Buckshot brigade and his games played Steven – Dicusses his...