Warscryer Citadel

Games Workshop recently re-released their Skullvane Manse terrain kit as an AoS piece called Warscryer Citadel. Whatever you call it, it's a unique and cool terrain piece. I've just recently finished mine.To move this large kit along, the airbrush was used...

Warscryer Citadel

Games Workshop recently re-released their Skullvane Manse terrain kit as an AoS piece called Warscryer Citadel. Whatever you call it, it's a unique and cool terrain piece. I've just recently finished mine.To move this large kit along, the airbrush was used...

Rediscovering Warhammer 40,000

This blog started in 2010, with me talking about some heavy weapons for my Imperial Guard army.  Since then, I've finished that army and around three or four years ago I got thoroughly disillusioned with Games Workshop and discovered the joys of historical gaming.  I...

Orcs for Shadespire

Shadespire continues to dominate my painting table.This week I was able to get the Orc warband out.A lot of my friends have painted their Orcs up with black and/or yellow armor. So I went natural, dirty and rusted metal for mine. Nothing special, but they get the job...

Skaven for Shadespire

Shadespire continues to be my favourite boardgames release for the past year. I've been picking up the expansions as they've been released. A couple of weeks back, the Skaven warband came out, and I was very excited to get my hands on themAs I've come to expect from...