White Dwarf #18 – Gorkanaut & Jokes

White Dwarf Weekly #18 is here – introducing the Gorkanaut and kicking off the new Warhammer 40K Ork releases (which, it seems, will continue with Flash Gitz next week). Still, this week is all about showing off the Gorkanaut (and Morkanaut). Despite the...

Warhammer 40K Orks Gorkanaut on Pre-Order

Games Workshop kicks off a (likely) series of Warhammer 40K Ork releases with a huge (but not superheavy) walker, the Gorkanaut (and it’s Morkanaut variant): a suitably ramshackle Ork-Walker with a bit of transport capacity to boot! At £65 RRP, it’s...

Space Wolves Unboxing – Fenrisian Wolves

Rumour has it that Space Wolves are following hot on the heels of Orks in the 40K summer of 2014. So I’ve dusted of my Vlka Fenryka, which is as good a reason as any to take a look at some of the “classic” miniature kits. Today: Fenrisian Wolves. The...

Games Workshop’s Orks Teaser Trailer

A new Codex in the making – Orks – and a new minimalist YouTube teaser from Games Workshop. No Gorkanaut in the video, sadly. #1 – Games Workshop’s Orks Teaser Trailer Weld it, fix it, fill it wiv bullets, hit it wiv a hammer. It’s ready for...

A First Look at 40K Warhammer 7th Edition – Dark Millennium

Let us take a look at the second book of three core books that make the new edition of Warhammer 40K: Dark Millennium. If A Galaxy of War corresponds to the hobby/miniature-gallery sections of the old single-volume book (albeit poorly, IMO), Dark Millennium covers the...