DreadBall Xtreme Live

The guys from Mantic Games were kind enough to send me their press package for DreadBall Xtreme. If you’ve followed my blog, you’ve probably read about this particular Kickstarter before. Still, there are some nice new pictures included! DreadBall Xtreme...

Poll: DreamForge Leviathan or Games Workshop Knight?

Ever since word got out, that Games Workshop was doing a plastic kit for an Imperial Knight, debates have raged on whether gamers should opt for the model from GW themselves, or opt instead for a surprisingly fitting alternative, the Leviathan Crusader from...

Imperial Knights Up For Pre-Order

Hmmm…. funny. I thought Games Workshop was putting up their pre-orders on midnight. It seems they changed? Either way, the new Imperial Knights are new available for pre-order (and for googling at in all their 360° glory on Games Workshop’s website. Have a...

Forge World Legion Dreadclaw

Forge World has a little treat this Friday, the Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod. Space Marines Legions Dreadclaw The Dreadclaw is a unique variant of the standard Legiones Astartes Drop Pod that allows for greater mobility for the forces  transported as it is able to take...

Games Workshop Reveals Imperial Knights

The cover for Games Workshop’s next White Dwarf Weekly went up on GW’s website, officially revealing (finally) the Imperial Knights! Imperial Knights! It’s fair to say that we’re incredibly excited about the fourth issue of White Dwarf weekly, which is out...