DreadBall Azure Forest – Unboxing

More DreadBall! DreadBall Xtreme is close, though Mantic put out a tiny tournament-themed expansion to keep people playing through the Kickstarter: Azure Forest, which is also billed as the first of a (annual?) Galactic Tour Series. My Azure Forest box arrived,...

DreadBall Xtreme Kickstarter Launching February 21st

Mantic Games are gearing up for their 2nd DreadBall Kickstarter, DreadBall Xtreme. Allegedly, it will launch on February 21st and, if enough funds are raised, push DreadBall through Seasons 4 to 6 and a total of 12 new teams (4 per season). Moreoever, Mantic Games...

Cephalyx – A New Warmachine Faction

Admittedly, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything about Warmachine – possibly the last time Privateer released the Convergence of Cyriss faction. Well, that time has come again, Privateer unveiled another new faction for Warmachine –...

The Dwarf Gyrobomber – 2nd White Dwarf February 2014

Welcome to the second week of Games Workshops all-new weekly White Dwarf + Weekly Miniatures release schedule. Obviously enough, the second week of the month sees releases that add to the ones unveiled last week – Warhammer Fantasy Dwarfs. For all intents and...

Forge World Releases Kharn the Bloody

Forge World adds a fan-favourite to their Horus Heresy Character Series – Kharn, not yet the Betrayer, but the Bloody. A nice, dynamic (if oddly reminiscent of the recent Forge World Angron’s pose) of a classic 40K villain. #1 – Kharn the Bloody A...