Doom Commission?

A co-worker asked me if I'd paint some boardgames pieces for her. I said sure. So, the game is Doom, and I started with 4 sample pieces just to see if the style was what she was looking for.First, prime and highlight for pre-shading.Next, some airbrushed colors to get...

The Normans Phase One: Knight Unit pt2

Hi everyone,I have finished the first unit of my Norman Project for Saga!  This leaves me three more units in order to complete phase one.  Unfortunately I cannot go any faster, even though I wish I could.  Work has just got me bogged down at the moment...

The Normans Phase One: Knight Unit pt2

Hi everyone,Another short post as I work on my Norman Knights for Saga, especially the second edition coming out in February.So all the painting is done including the highlights and the low-lights, as well as the shield transfers.  I tried to match the colours of...

Bits and Pieces

Not much hobbying this month. However, leaving for the LVO on Wednesday, and I had two figures that weren't quite finished. Belial (in the wretched failcast resin) and Azrael's relic bearer. I've also been working on some more of the great 40K terrain sets...but only...

The Normans Phase One: Knight Unit pt1

Hi everyone,The journey continues with the Normans as I start painting my first unit - the Knights.  This unit will be part of a 4 point army that is the minimum require army size to play Saga.  The force will contain two elite mounted Knight units one...