Elf Sorceress

Elf Sorceress

The first Reaper Bones Figure I have painted. There a lying thousand of them around. The quality of the models is not exactly exhilarating, from the perspective of a painter. For role players, who need many models they are great. Better as some board games can offer....

How Good Are the New Tyranid Flyers?

There was a time when, every time a new Codex was released, I first looking up the new Flyers that almost inevitably came with each new Warhammer 40K release. For the most part (Dark Angels, Tau Empire, etc….), they were rather lackluster entries in their...
The Wilson Blood Bowl League

The Wilson Blood Bowl League

Image (C) Games Workshop, etcThis year, as well as hopefully GM'ing a Dark Heresy campaign, I am running a Blood Bowl league. I've rounded up seven victims friends and we will start playing games in the next week or so. I've made a new blog to track games, scores...

How To Paint Gold Armour with Citadel Metallic Paints

Gold is a surprisingly common colour for Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. Not all miniatures are completely in gold, like the Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard but, but there are small gold-sections on a lot of miniature. In this tutorial I present a short guide to...

A First Look at the New Tyranid Codex

Today’s the day. The new Tyranid codex is officially released and in stores along with the new Tyranid miniatures. The first Warhammer 40K codex of 2014. The first Warhammer 40K codex officially written by the “Games Workshop Design Team”, rather...