

Next up, the tech adept for the Inquisitorial warband.The model is a Lexmechanic, with an added mechadendrite - I don't think the player would be too happy if their character had no hands. In game terms, he'll be a non-combat character, but his intelligence and...

Games Workshop January Releases

Brief update (blogging from a phone from the holidays.. welcome to the 21st century). Games Workshop mid-week teaser video and a list of the releases coming from Games Workshop in January 2014. Enjoy!  #1 – Nothing Is Safe Teaser Video #2 – January Release...
Cultist Leader

Cultist Leader

Another cultist for Dark Heresy, he'll be something of a major figure in the campaign, although I can't reveal any more than that without giving away important details to my players. Suffice to say he's not one of the good guys...Several tattoos adorn his body,...


...or, since he's going to be part of the Inquisitorial warband, ex-ganger.The figure is an old metal Catachan trooper, unconverted except for the paint job. He'll  be a demolitions expert in the warband, as well as having some expertise in gang politics. He'll...