Warhammer 40K in 2013 – The Year in Pictures

2013 is coming to an end. Everyone’s getting ready for the festive days. Christmas presents will soon be unwrapped. And, of course, it’s the time to think back on the past year. I don’t blog about Warhammer 40K exclusively, but Warhammer 40K, as a...

3rd Party Warhammer 40K Primarchs Sculpts – Trouble?

Oh boy… The Primarchs are here, and no, they are not from Forge World. Polish miniature painting studio Den of Imagination has been sculpting and showing off their version of the famous Warhammer 40K Primarchs, exquisitely sculpted in (mostly) green-stuff and to...
Lurker Part II

Lurker Part II

Having been reunited with my lightbox and adequate lighting, I can show off some decent quality shots of my latest work.He's an OOP Ratling sniper from GW, being used as an abhuman 'twist' for a Dark Heresy campaign I'll be running next year.I kept the colours drab...

Death Guard Grave Warden Terminators by Forge World

Forge World is heading into Christmas-Week with a new set of Death Guard Terminators… Grave Wardens. No scythes on these. To be honest, they look a bit like … well … Terminators. Little tubes on the back hint at future Nurgly-glory, but they...


+++++++SPOTTED BY PICT DRONEID NO #P161B+++++++SUBJECT UNKNOWNASSUME DANGEROUSBack at home for Christmas now, I have finished some painting since October, so there will be updates soon. Unfortunately, my solitary lamp for painting/pictures is currently broken, so...