Review – Tabletop Tyrant Kingmaker Figure Case

Tired of hauling around your miniatures in cardboard or plastic boxes? I know I was. Enter the figure cases from Tabletop Tyrant, available over at Gifts for Geeks. The case in the picture above is the Kingmaker case from Tabletop Tyrant, which is the smaller (or...

Spiel 2013 in Essen – New Releases – Part 2

Last weekend, one of Europe’s biggest gaming convention – Essen Spiel – was held in – as the name says – Essen in Germany. Lots of interesting things going on, and several miniatures companies were present to show off their newest games and miniatures. If you...

Spiel 2013 in Essen – New Releases – Part 1

Last weekend, one of Europe’s biggest gaming convention – Essen Spiel – was held in – as the name says – Essen in Germany. Lots of interesting things going on, and several miniatures companies were present to show off their newest games...

5 New Mysterious Ladies for Infinity the Game

My knowledge of Infinity is limited, but something seems to be cooking over at Corvus Belli. Infinity-miniatures-painter of fame Angel Giraldez released a whole bunch of pictures on his facebook-page, including those 5 lovely ladies below. It seems as if these are a...

Kings of War at Beasts of War (and Giveaways!)

If you haven’t seen it, Beasts of War and Mantic Games are in the middle of a themed “Kings of War week” over on Beasts of War. If you’ve ever wondered what Kings of War – Mantic Games’ Fantasy Wargame – is all about, this is...