Unboxing – DreadBall Season 3 Miniatures

A good day today. Shipment No. 3 of the DreadBall Kickstarter, containing miniatures for DreadBall Season 3 arrived today. Lots of fantastic new miniatures to unpack and, surprise, Mantic Games appears to have changed the recipe of their Restic (Resin + Plastic?)...

Reaper Bones II On The Way To New Kickstarter Records

Last year’s Reaper Bones Kickstarter was easily the highest-grossing crowd-funding campaign for miniatures. Hell, it even brought Kickstarter.com’s servers to its knees. “Bones” doesn’t appear in the Tabletop Games category, as it offers...
Review: Puppets War Sorcerer Shoulder Pads

Review: Puppets War Sorcerer Shoulder Pads

Bits for "28mm super-soldiers" seems to be a big money maker. You can't go to any major 3rd party bits producer without seeing some form of acessory that can fit the ever popular armies of the sci-fi world. Today, I'm covering one of Puppets War's varieties, the...
Radagast the Brown

Radagast the Brown

My other entry for GDUK this year was the Radagast which I showed as a WIP a few months ago. I was really pleased with the way he was turning out so decided to really try to create an interesting way of displaying the miniature.With the competition in mind, I knew I...

5 Cool Golden Demon Entries from Games Day 2013

As there weren’t actually any games on Games Day 2013 (outside of the valiant efforts by the guys from Fantasy Flight to demo some of their board games), the Golden Demons and Armies on Parade painting competition were the only “fan-contribution” to...