Forge World’s New Massive Tau XV107 Battlesuit

Forge World news! And it’s not even new Horus Heresy Space Marines for a change. Forge World will be releasing a new Tau Battlesuit for the upcoming UK Games Day 2013. It looks like a huge kit, a Forge World take on something akin to the XV104 Riptide (and it...

Rules Conundrum – Black Templars and Allies

This is easily.. very easily.. one of the most bizarre RAW/RAI disputes I’ve come across in a long time. Do not enter without your most detail-obsessed mindset. First things first, without a doubt, among the most surprising things about the new Space Marines...

A DreadBall Tournament Trophy from Bristol!

I haven’t been able to play a DreadBall tournament since going up to Nottingham this spring for Mantic Games’ Mantic Day and DreadBall tournament with my Marauders team, Being in the South-West for work this weekend, I had the opportunity to stop by in...

DreadBall Season 3 Teams – Turtles & Chimpanzees!

Mantic’s DreadBall Season 3 is up for pre-order, and it’s full of all the quirky models and rules I’ve come to love from Mantic – and DreadBall in particular. Cheating Chimpanzee’s, Teleporting Turtles and giant Cthulhu-type...

Emperor’s Children Phoenix Guard Terminators

Forge World is treating us with a special gift this Friday. I would’ve expected them to release some of the Word Bearer Space Marines previewed in the most recent White Dwarf. Instead, the elite Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children take the battlefield!...