2nd Edition Iron Warriors

To go with that lovely dreadnought I posted up a while back, a squad of Iron Warriors, led by an Aspiring Champion in terminator armor.

2nd Edition Chaos

Been a busy month, painting and work wise. Been trying to cram as much painting in as I can, and so far, having good results. Finished off the plaguebearer unit, up to 7 of the buggers. Finished off the unit of plague marines. And the unit of Khorne Berserkers. And...

MRW Ep 2 – What I’d Like to See in KoW 2nd Edition!

Today Andrew takes a look at the future now that the mini kickstarter is over and he covers what changes he’d like to see in KoW 2nd edition.   If there is a topic you are interested in hearing about, contact Andrew at ohiohammer2011@gmail.com   Lastly...