by dylangould | Mar 28, 2013
Got an idea in my head this week, so sat down and cracked this fig out. Has a nice feel of Rogue Trader or second edition. May do up a tac squad of these blokes.
by dylangould | Feb 10, 2013
Commissar Yarrick. Page 29, Issue 182.
by dylangould | Feb 9, 2013
I had this laser cut a few years ago and finally got around to building it. It was drawn from the of White Dwarf templates found in issue 136. A little extra styrene and many rivets and liquid greenstuff later and we have this.
by dylangould | Aug 22, 2012
Finally finished this squad of 5 Arbites. And did up the old Rogue Trader Astropath and a Space Punk.
by the_qwertman | Aug 28, 2011
Welcome Win fans!!!I present a couple of new units for you guys, I know ive been away from you for abit. Im sorry. Real life has been busy at the mo, but you cant stop the hobby!! Just slow it down a bit.First up, Ive finished a Rhino!! Its only taken me about a year...