I’m back!

I finally managed to break out of my hobby slump! After a few months of doing pretty much nothing, I've actually been able to coax my hobby mojo back into life over the last few weeks. Turns out all I needed to do is jettison 40k from my project...

DreadTober – Power Fist

 This week was pretty busy so didn't get to work much on the Dread. I did finish out the power fist and started the repaint of the Volcite to blue instead of the yellow/red. The Volcite is drying so I have the Melta on it for these pictures.I'm still layering up...

DreadTober – Powering Up

 The base layer of Enamels and Oils have been applied and I'm in the process of layering up the rust on the base. Now it's the details and other other adds I'm debating on. I'm on the fence with the Volkite .. not sure if I'm feeling the colors. Kind of the...

10-4 Good Buddy

 He's fully based out and blended.. he's blended high and is now gloss cleared waiting for the enamels and oils. I've painted so many Raven Guard at this point I can rock them out in pretty quick order. It will be days of waiting for the layers to dry and then...

Iron Warriors Tactical Marines Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes My first ten Iron Warriors Tactical Marines, are done! There are many more to come, at least 50 I should think. Next on the list for my 30K Iron Warriors are 2x Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Updated Iron Warriors Tactical Marines Methods...