Only three years in the making… Breachers complete!

It's amazing what you can achieve when under pressure. With the imminent arrive of a pair of Primarchs and the looming spectre of the 'Box of Shame', I managed to sit down and actually finish up my Breacher Squad:Once I actually forced myself to work on them, it...

Motivation back!

Remember that lack of motivation I was talking about yesterday? Well it seem that the universe has a weird way of solving these issues.I got an email today saying my package of Forge World goodies has been dispatched. That basically means that unless I make progress...

Imperial Fists; Tartaros Terminator Squad

Hi AllBluddtoof here with some more work on my Imperial Fists, this time in the form of a Tartaros Terminator Squad.These puppies are the first squad for a 40k army I'm building to take to Battlefield Birmingham's doubles tourney in June, find details on...

Imperial Fists; Tartaros Terminator Squad

Hi AllBluddtoof here with some more work on my Imperial Fists, this time in the form of a Tartaros Terminator Squad.These puppies are the first squad for a 40k army I'm building to take to Battlefield Birmingham's doubles tourney in June, find details on...

Back on track

After my little distraction, I'm returning my attention to my more pressing project, which is of course my Breachers. I promised myself that I would get my 1000pt force painted before the end of the current campaign leg, but that isn't looking like a realistic...