Downsizing my focus

I seem to have a strange inverse relationship between gaming and blogging. The more gaming I get in, the less I seem to blog and vice versa. It's time to change that. The more gaming I do, the more there is to blog about!The last few weeks have been pretty packed....

The 2017 Eternal Hunt Awards, pt. 2: The Hobbyists

Welcome back, everyone: It’s a new year, and here we are — later than I had originally planned, I must admit. Sorry for the delay, but I just had to spend the entire holiday season sleeping, eating and near-obsessively hunting robot dinosaurs. I actually...

True Scale – Horus Heresy Iron Warriors – Comparison

So here are the comparison pictures, unfortunately I only took pictures of the models together from one angle but I think you can see the difference quite clearly.The difference is quite remarkable in that the extra length of the legs gives the model so much more...

2017 a hobby review.

Wow its been a year! And what a year it has been! CSM getting a reboot in the first quarter, and then 8th ed drops for Warhammer 40k!I was just sorting out my photo album, well primarily trying to find photos to keep or delete and I was surprised what I have painted...