The State of the Hunt, Week 35/2017: Do the robot!

I know I should really be painting some stuff for a change, but relatively little hobby time I have at the moment somehow invariably ends up going towards indulging flights of fancy — hey, at the very least, you get to look at some new kitbashes, alright? Ever...

99 percent

 Well... it's 99.9% done .. I trimmed the tops to the right height and added boarder pieces to give it a clean look. I also didn't like the arrows I had added so I made a new overlay that removed them.. I just stayed with the Raven shapes. It adds some subtle...

Hammer of the Gods

 Hey hey .. While I was looking at the guy I made with the lightning claw I just couldn't take it.. he's too stumpy. So I went back to Plan B and last night I finished up this guy I had started and I'm actually pretty happy with his outcome. For a one day...

Nova Final Countdown … 1 week to go.

 It's the final week till Nova 2017 and I have everything mostly done. There are a few bits on the display board I need to weather or touch up but I'll be working on that this weekend to finish everything up. I wanted to get a full army shot and also wanted...


 The displayboard is nearing completion thankfully! I'll be so happy when it's 100% done haha.. I added in the Fellblade and Mor Deythan for scale as it's kind of hard to tell when it's just out in space. The board is big... probably a bit too big honestly...