First Iron Warrior Tactical Marine Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 5 minutes Well, I am now on a path of heresy, alongside my Cadians, of course – this is my first Iron Warrior of many to start me playing Horus Heresy. I started with this force before we knew anything of Warhammer 40K 10th Edition;...

The Farmstead Operation

The weary loyalists from the XIII Legion cross the Thracian countryside and seek shelter from a friendly farmstead - this was the narrative for Ollie's project for last year's Armies on Parade, marking his tenth successive entry in as many years! The Ultramarines in a...

Follow Me Boys

I've pretty much finished all the models I'll be taking to Nova to field so I've just been messing around with some that I might take to the painting contest. I had this model sitting here so figure'd I painting him up. I'm debating on the chainfist and whether...

Get Wrecked

 I've been getting some more progress in and I'm getting close to be done these guys. I originally was going to put this Dread in a list but I think I'm just going to enter him in the painting competition and just leave him there. I think he's looking pretty...

9 is a terrible number

 Hey hey .. back for another post.. I've been crazy busy but I've been putting some time in at the painting table so I do have a bunch of stuff I've been working on. Nothing is completely done as I've been bouncing around as it's been a lot. As so 9 .. I've been...