Guild Ball – Interview with Mat Hart

Guild Ball came – seemingly – out of nowhere to enter the crowded field of miniature sports games with a bang. The Guild Ball Facebook page appeared a while ago, with lots of fantastic artwork and in-depth posts about designing a the world and the game of...

Review – Tabletop Tyrant Figure Case

Early this month, I reviewed the Kingmaker “half-size” Figure Case from Tabletop Tyrant. It’s a good case to have, especially for packing my DreadBall, X-Wing and similar miniatures. For a proper wargaming army, their flagship Tyrant Figure case is...

Miniature Pins of the Week!

It’s been a pleasantly hectic week over on the sister-site to this blog – Busy enough, that I thought I’d do a quick round-up of some of the interesting stuff that has been pinned over the last week (or two). Here’s a...

3 Things I Learned from the Beasts of War Mercs Week

A week or so ago, a few people contacted me to tell me the guys from Beasts of War had given me a brief shout-out in one of their shows. Funny enough, found myself skulking around the Beasts of War website and videos a bit as a result. I’ve not followed...